纳科星是开创性硅基阳极材料开发和制造的全球领导者,极大地提高了锂离子电池的性能。 我们的领导团队在化学、电池和汽车行业拥有数十年发明创造新技术并将其推向市场的经验。我们的优秀团队来自各行各业以及学术界,包括电池材料化学领域的领先企业、主要电芯制造商以及汽车行业原始设备制造商等。 我们的总部位于英国牛津郡,技术中心位于日本横滨。我们的科学家拥有无机化学与合成、电子产品、电池技术和过程工程方面的专业知识,完全具备扩大业务规模的能力,并为支持合作伙伴和客户提供强大基础。
Nexeon is committed to continuing to improving its environmental performance and implementing best practice to minimise the environmental, social and governance impacts of our business. We will also continue to implement strategies that will reduce the impact of these risks on our organisation.
As we embark on our reporting journey we look forward to keeping you updated on our progress as we scale on our activities globally and continuously improve, building on our existing solid foundations in good governance, safety and people process.
Below you will find a series of our key policies and commitments (including our commitments to quality, and to our customers) that will keep our senior management, employees, suppliers and partners informed of their environmental roles and responsibilities within our organisation.
Policies and Certification: